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Kevin's Communication Journey

Kevin is a smart 19-year-old who uses his voice and a special talking device to chat. One sunny school day, Kevin needed help with a tricky math problem. He raised his hand and said, 'Miss Taylor, can you help me?' She smiled and helped him find the answer. His voice was clear, and Miss Taylor was happy to help.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes at school asks teacher for help using his voice.

One morning, Kevin woke up feeling yucky. His throat was sore, and he didn't want to get out of bed. He used his talking device to tell his mom, 'I don't feel good.' His mom came in, gave him a hug, and said, 'Okay, sweetie, rest today.' Kevin felt loved and cared for, even with a sore throat.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes tells his mom he's sick using his device.

Sometimes sitting at home can be a bit boring for Kevin. On a slow afternoon, he shared with his care provider, 'I'm bored.' using his device. They decided to make cookies together. The smell of yummy chocolate chip cookies soon filled the house, making the day much more fun!

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes expresses boredom and decides to bake cookies.

Kevin likes playing outside, but loud sounds hurt his ears. At the park, when dogs barked loudly, he told his friend using his voice, 'Loud noises are ouch for my ears.' His friend understood and they moved to a quieter spot under a big, shady tree where they played cards happily.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes explains his sensitivity to noise at the park.

Movie night! Kevin and his family went to a movie theater. There were many movies to pick from. Kevin used his talking device to say, 'I want to watch the superhero movie!' The person selling tickets heard him and printed tickets for everyone. They all enjoyed the action-packed movie with big smiles.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes chooses a movie and interacts with staff using his device.

Eating out is fun! At the restaurant, Kevin peeked at the menu and decided what to eat. He then used his talking device to tell the waiter, 'I'd like a cheese pizza, please.' The waiter nodded and said, 'Coming right up!' Soon, Kevin was eating delicious pizza and feeling very happy.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes orders food at a restaurant using his device.

Kevin's adventure with talking in different ways showed everyone that he can express what he wants and needs. Whether using his own voice or his special device, Kevin is a great communicator. He went to bed that night feeling proud and looking forward to all the new adventures tomorrow would bring.

Smart, uses voice and device to talk, brown hair, blue eyes reflects on his successful day of communication.

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