Once upon a time, in a lush green jungle, lived two friends named Krishna and Sudama. One day, heavy rain poured down, making it difficult for Sudama to find food. He was hungry and tired. Krishna, being empathetic, decided to help his friend. He roamed around the jungle, searching for fruits and nuts. Finally, he found a bunch of ripe fruits hanging from a tall tree.
Krishna climbed the tree like a fearless monkey and gathered the ripe fruits in a large basket. Sudama's eyes brightened up as he saw the delicious fruits. They sat on the damp ground, enjoying their meal together. Sudama felt grateful for Krishna's act of kindness and expressed his gratitude.
As they sat there, a group of hungry animals approached them with their famished eyes. Krishna noticed their plight and without any hesitation, shared the remaining fruits with the animals. The animals seemed relieved and grateful. Sudama was amazed by Krishna's compassion for all living beings.
After their meal, Krishna and Sudama decided to find shelter. They came across a broken hut that provided temporary protection from the rain. Sudama worried about the animals still outside in the rain. Understanding his friend's concerns, Krishna crafted a makeshift shed to protect the animals from the downpour.
Night fell, and the jungle became calm. Krishna and Sudama lay down on the ground, sharing their blanket to keep warm. Sudama couldn't help but admire Krishna's selflessness and empathy. He realized that true friendship is not just about sharing good times but also supporting each other during tough moments.
The next morning, the rain subsided, and the sun's rays peeked through the dense foliage. Krishna and Sudama bid farewell to the animals and headed back to their village. Sudama thanked Krishna for his unwavering help and promised to always be there for him.
From that day forward, Krishna and Sudama's bond grew stronger. They cherished the memories of their adventure and the lessons they learned about empathy, kindness, and friendship. Together, they continued to spread love and compassion in their village.
And so, the tale of Krishna and Sudama in the jungle stands as a timeless reminder that empathy and compassion have the power to transform lives and nurture beautiful friendships.
Reflection Questions