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Lazy John and the Apples

Once upon a time, there was a boy named John. John was so lazy that he couldn't even bother to change his clothes. One beautiful sunny day, he looked out his window and saw the apple tree in their yard. The tree was full of juicy, red apples. John's mouth watered at the thought of biting into one, but he was too lazy to climb the tree and take the fruits. 'I wish those apples would just fall into my lap,' he mumbled lazily. So he lay down underneath the tree, closed his eyes, and waited.

Lazy John - messy hair, rumpled clothes, slippers, lazy expression lying underneath the apple tree, looking hopeful

Minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into a hungry stomach growling. John opened his eyes and glanced up at the tree. To his disappointment, not a single apple had fallen. 'Why won't they just fall already?' he grumbled. But the apples remained stubbornly attached to their branches. John was getting frustrated.

Lazy John - messy hair, rumpled clothes, slippers, lazy expression looking up at the apple tree with a puzzled expression

Suddenly, John's little sister Mary skipped into the yard. She looked up at the apple tree and noticed John lying there. 'What are you doing, John?' she asked curiously. John explained his laziness and how he was waiting for the apples to fall. Mary giggled and said, 'Why don't you just shake the tree? That might make the apples come down!'

Mary - curly hair, cheerful dress, mischievous smile with a mischievous smile, standing near the apple tree

John's eyes widened with a spark of realization. 'You're right, Mary!' he exclaimed. He got up from the ground, full of newfound energy. John started shaking the tree with all his might. Within moments, apples began to rain down from the branches. John caught them one by one, a smile spreading across his face. 'Thank you, Mary!' he said gratefully. From that day on, John learned the importance of hard work and that sometimes, finding a solution requires some effort.

Lazy John - messy hair, rumpled clothes, slippers, lazy expression shaking the apple tree, with apples falling all around him

The moral of the story is that laziness can get you nowhere. If you want something, you need to work hard for it. Just like John learned, problems can be solved through effort and determination. So, the next time you come across an obstacle, remember Lazy John and think of creative ways to overcome it!

Lazy John - messy hair, rumpled clothes, slippers, lazy expression happily picking apples, with Mary - curly hair, cheerful dress, mischievous smile looking proud of him

Reflection Questions

  • Why was John too lazy to climb the apple tree?
  • What did Mary suggest John do to get the apples?
  • What did John learn from his experience?

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