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Leo the Lion and His Tail-less Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a lion named Leo.

Leo the lion with a big mane the lion with a big mane

Leo had a problem. He had no tail.

Leo the lion with a big mane looking sad with no tail

He went on an adventure to find his tail.

Leo the lion with a big mane looking determined with a map

Leo met a wise elephant named Ellie.

Ellie the elephant with long trunk the elephant with long trunk

Ellie helped Leo look for his tail in the forest.

Leo the lion with a big mane and Ellie the elephant with long trunk searching for tail in trees

They couldn't find the tail, but became best friends.

Leo the lion with a big mane and Ellie the elephant with long trunk laughing and playing together

Leo and Ellie met a playful monkey named Max.

Max the monkey swinging from trees the monkey swinging from trees

Max joined their quest to find Leo's tail.

Leo the lion with a big mane, Ellie the elephant with long trunk, and Max the monkey swinging from trees exploring caves for tail

They couldn't find the tail, but had lots of fun together.

Leo the lion with a big mane, Ellie the elephant with long trunk, and Max the monkey swinging from trees laughing and splashing in river

In the end, Leo realized he didn't need a tail to be happy.

Leo the lion with a big mane smiling and content without a tail

Reflection Questions

  • How did Leo feel when he realized he didn't have a tail?
  • Who joined Leo and Ellie in their quest?
  • What did Leo learn at the end of the story?

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