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Life on Mars

My name is Zara, and I live on Mars.

Zara standing on Mars, looking up at the sky

Mars is a red planet with rocky mountains.

Mars with tall, red mountains and a bright sun

We wear special suits to breathe and explore.

Zara wearing a puffy spacesuit, ready for exploration

Our food is grown in special greenhouses.

Zara picking fresh vegetables from a Martian greenhouse

Sometimes we have sandstorms that cover everything.

Zara covering her face from a big sandstorm

We have robots that help us with our daily tasks.

A helpful robot assisting Zara with chores

We study the stars and learn about the universe.

Zara looking through a telescope at the night sky

We have fun playing games and exploring caves.

Zara and some friends playing a game in a Martian cave

I miss Earth sometimes, but Mars is my home.

Zara looking at a picture of Earth and smiling

Life on Mars is an exciting adventure every day!

Zara flying a spaceship with her friends, smiling

Reflection Questions

  • What color is Mars?
  • What do Martian teenagers wear to explore?
  • Do Martians have robots to help them?

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