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Lila's First Birthday Bash
Festa do primeiro aniversário de Lila
Olivia's birthday bash begins with lots of balloons bouncing around the backyard. A festa de aniversário de Lila começa com muitos balões quicando no quintal.

Let's all bounce like balloons in the backyard!

The backyard is filled with colorful balloons, and Lila is giggling with joy, surrounded by her friends and family.
Dancing and clapping, Lila's pals play pass-the-parcel, popping the wrapping paper like popcorn. Dançando e batendo palmas, os amigos de Lila brincam de passar o pacote, estourando o papel de embrulho como pipoca.

Let's all clap and pop like popcorn!

Everyone is dancing and clapping, passing a big package around and laughing as each layer pops like popcorn.
Lila digs into her cake, giggling as she gets messy, mmm-ing and slurping frosting. Lila come seu bolo, rindo enquanto bagunça, faz barulho e sorve a cobertura.

Let's all pretend to eat yummy cake and make funny messy faces!

Lila is sitting at a big table with a huge, colorful cake. She’s laughing and making a mess, and everyone is laughing with her.
Balloons go pop-pop when Lila’s pals stomp and play, while the grown-ups go chit-chat in the chattery kitchen. Os balões explodem quando os amigos de Lila batem os pés e brincam, enquanto os adultos batem papo na cozinha tagarela.

Let's all stomp and make popping sounds!

The kids are popping balloons by stomping around, making lots of noise. Meanwhile, the grown-ups are chit-chatting and laughing in the kitchen.
Squeals of joy fill the air as Lila and her friends zoom around the yard with their new whirring wind-up toys. Gritos de alegria enchem o ar enquanto Lila e suas amigas voam pelo quintal com seus novos brinquedos de corda zumbindo.

Let's all zoom and make whirring sounds like the toys!

The kids are running and laughing while playing with wind-up toys that are making whirring sounds, and everyone is having fun!
The sun starts to set, and sleepy Lila snuggles with her new stuffed animals while everyone sings softly, O sol começa a se pôr e a sonolenta Lila se aconchega com seus novos bichinhos de pelúcia enquanto todos cantam baixinho,

Let's all snuggle and sing softly like Lila's friends!

Lila yawns, her first birthday now over, but she's filled with love and laughter, and she dreams of her next year's fun. Lila boceja, seu primeiro aniversário acabou, mas ela está cheia de amor e risadas, e sonha com a diversão do próximo ano.

Let's all yawn and wave goodnight to Lila!

Lila is looking sleepy but happy, and she's surrounded by her friends and family, feeling loved. She starts to yawn and close her eyes.

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