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Little Fox Learns to Listen
In the heart of the bustling forest, Little Fox scampered under the tall oaks. 在热闹的森林中心,小狐狸在高大的橡树下奔跑。
Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful playing energetically in a vibrant forest.
Mama Fox always said, 'Listen close, for the forest speaks,' but Little Fox rarely did. 狐狸妈妈总是说:“仔细听,森林在说话。”但小狐狸很少这么做。
Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving advising Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful, who seems distracted.
One bright morning, Mama Fox asked Little Fox to gather herbs, but Little Fox darted off. 一个阳光明媚的早晨,狐狸妈妈让小狐狸去采草药,但小狐狸却一溜烟地跑掉了。
Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving giving instructions that Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful ignores.
Without listening, Little Fox misremembered and brought back only colorful berries. 小狐狸没有听,记错了,只带回了五颜六色的浆果。
Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful returning with the wrong items, looking pleased.
Mama Fox sighed, 'These are not herbs,' and her voice showed she wasn't happy. 狐狸妈妈叹了口气,“这不是草药。”她的声音听起来很不高兴。
Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving looking disappointed with the berries.
Little Fox's ears drooped. 'But I thought—' 'You must learn to listen,' Mama Fox interrupted. 小狐狸的耳朵耷拉下来。“但是我以为——”“你必须学会倾听,”狐狸妈妈打断道。
Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful feeling regretful, being gently scolded.
The next day, Mama Fox asked Little Fox to watch her sibling, urging caution and care. 第二天,狐狸妈妈让小狐狸照看她的弟弟妹妹,并叮嘱他要小心谨慎。
Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving instructing Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful to stay vigilant.
But Little Fox was busy chasing butterflies and didn't pay much heed to the words. 但小狐狸正忙着追蝴蝶,并没有理会她的话。
Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful playing instead of supervising the sibling.
Suddenly, a loud cry came from the thicket! Little sibling had tumbled into a hole. 突然,灌木丛里传来一声惨叫!小弟弟掉进了一个洞里。
Tiny fox with bright fur, wide and innocent eyes in distress, Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful realizing the mistake.
Mama Fox helped them out, frowning deeply. 'Why weren't you listening, Little Fox?' 狐狸妈妈帮他们解围,皱着眉头说道:“小狐狸,你怎么不听话?”
Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving rescuing the sibling, focusing on Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful.
With tears brimming, Little Fox whispered, 'I'm sorry, I'll try harder to listen.' 小狐狸泪流满面,小声说道:“对不起,我会努力听的。”
Contrite Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful apologizing to Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving.
From then on, Little Fox remembered the value of listening, for safety and love. 从那时起,小狐狸记住了倾听的价值,为了安全和爱。
Orange fur, curious eyes, swift and rather playful listening carefully to Deep red fur, wise green eyes, firm but loving, showing growth.

Reflection Questions

  • Imagine you are Little Fox, and you've been asked to gather herbs but brought back berries instead. What would you do next and why?
  • How do you think Little Fox felt when the sibling was in trouble? What would you have done if you were in that situation?

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