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Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red went to visit her grandma in the woods.

Little girl walking through a forest with a basket

A sly wolf saw her and decided to trick her.

Big grey wolf with sharp teeth hiding behind a tree, watching Cute girl with a red hood and basket

He ran quickly to grandma's house and ate her up.

Big grey wolf with sharp teeth in grandma's clothes eating a pie

Little Red arrived and found the wolf in grandma's bed.

Little girl with wide eyes, looking at the wolf

A brave woodcutter came and rescued Little Red and grandma.

Strong man holding an axe and saving them

They all lived happily ever after in the woods.

Family picnicking in a sunny forest clearing

Reflection Questions

  • What did Little Red decide to do?
  • Who did the wolf eat up?
  • Who came to save Little Red and grandma?

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