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Little Robot's Big Job
I am a computer. I am small and white. 我是一台电脑。我个子小,皮肤白。
Small, white Small, white, blue screen, on a desk on a desk.
I have a screen. The screen is blue. 我有一个屏幕。屏幕是蓝色的。
Computer screen glowing blue.
I have a keyboard. It has many keys. 我有一个键盘。它有很多钥匙。
Close-up of Small, white, blue screen, on a desk keyboard.
I help people. I am smart. 我帮助人们。我很聪明。
Computer displaying educational program.
People type on me. I show words. 人们在我身上打字。我展示言语。
Hands typing on Small, white, blue screen, on a desk keyboard.
I connect to the Internet. 我连接到互联网。
Computer with an Earth icon representing Internet.
People read on me. They learn new things. 人们阅读我的文章。他们学习新事物。
Person reading from a Small, white, blue screen, on a desk screen.
People play games on me. They are happy. 人们对我玩游戏。他们很开心。
Child playing a game on the Small, white, blue screen, on a desk.
I play music. People dance. 我演奏音乐。人们跳舞。
Computer playing music with people dancing.
I play videos. People watch and listen. 我播放视频。人们观看和聆听。
Computer streaming a video to a family.
People write stories on me. I save them. 人们写关于我的故事。我救他们。
Computer with a document on the screen.
I sleep at night. I rest. 我晚上睡觉。我休息。
Computer turned off at night.

Reflection Questions

  • What color is the computer?
  • What do people do with the computer?
  • What does the computer do at night?

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