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Lord Ram's Listening Adventure

Once upon a time in a magical land called Ayodhya, Lord Ram is on a marvelous adventure!

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe running through Ayodhya, bright colors, vibrant scenery

As Lord Ram walks through the bustling streets, he hears a faint sound in the distance.

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe with one hand to his ear, colorful houses, people talking

Curious, Lord Ram follows the sound and discovers a group of children playing hide and seek.

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe crouched behind trees, girlren giggling, bright green grass

Listening carefully, Lord Ram hears the rules of the game as the children explain.

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe with one finger on his lips, girlren pointing and laughing

Lord Ram joins the game and impresses the children with his fantastic listening skills.

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe playfully pointing to his ears, girlren cheering and clapping

At the end of the day, Lord Ram thanks the children for playing with him and waves goodbye.

A young prince with a blue crown and a silver robe waving, girlren smiling and waving back, colorful sunset sky

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Lord Ram wanted to join the children's game?
  • What did Lord Ram do to show his excellent listening skills?
  • How did Lord Ram feel at the end of the story?

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