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Lucas explora sus sentidos
Lucas camina por el bosque, siguiendo su olfato para encontrar algunas rosas.

Sniff like you're smelling a flower!

In the woods, A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is wearing a red shirt and blue shorts, and he can see colorful flowers and trees around him.
Se detiene para probar una baya, tan dulce que lo alegra.

Pretend to eat a yummy berry!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is sitting on the ground, tasting a juicy red berry with a big smile on his face.
Siente la corteza áspera de un árbol, áspera como un abejorro.

Gently touch like you're petting a puppy!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is touching a tree with his hands, feeling the rough texture of the bark.
Mira hacia el cielo, donde los pájaros vuelan alto, cantando una dulce canción de cuna.

Flap your arms like you're a bird flying in the sky!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is looking up at the sky, watching colorful birds flying and singing.
Oye un susurro en la hierba, un sonido que le hace querer pasar.

Listen quietly like you're hearing the rustle in the grass!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is standing near the grass, looking curious about the rustling sound.
Mientras Lucas explora, aprende a compartir y cuidar, haciendo amistad con un oso.

Give someone a pretend hug like Lucas and the bear!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is sitting next to a friendly bear, sharing his toys and snacks with a big smile on his face.
Con sus sentidos tan aguzados, Lucas se siente feliz y sereno.

Jump up and down like you're feeling happy!

A little boy with curly brown hair, big brown eyes, and a bright smile is walking out of the woods, feeling joyful and content.

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