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Marina's Adventure to Campo Grande

Marina hugged her teddy bear tight. 'We are going on an adventure,' said Papa.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive at home with teddy, talking with father

She looked around her room. Toys were in boxes. 'Why do we move?' she asked.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive's room, packed up, questioning

Mama smiled, 'To be closer to family and have new experiences, sweetie.'

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive with mother, comforting her

Marina frowned. 'I'll miss my friends. Will I make new ones?'

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive expressing concerns to mother

'Of course! And we'll visit old ones too,' Papa assured her with a kiss.

Father giving assurance and affection

On the road, Marina imagined playing in big parks and eating new foods.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive daydreaming in the car

Mama pointed out of the window, 'Look at those fields! Just like Sapezal.'

Mother pointing out similarities during travel

As they drove, Marina drew pictures to send to her friends back home.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive drawing in the backseat

They arrived in Campo Grande at night. The city lights twinkled like stars.

Family's first sight of Campo Grande

In the morning, Marina explored her new room. Space for new memories.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive's new room, space for creativity and play

At the park, a girl waved to Marina. 'Want to play?' she called out.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive being welcomed by a new friend at the park

'Yes!' Marina ran to meet her. A new city, a new friend, a new start.

4-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes, expressive making her first friend in Campo Grande

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Marina felt about moving to a new city?
  • Why is it important to be open to making new friends?
  • What can you do to help someone who is new in your school or neighborhood?

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