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Merina's New Friend

In the deep blue sea, Merina, the little mermaid, swam around her coral home. She sometimes felt lonely.

In the deep blue sea, Merina the little mermaid swam around her coral home. She sometimes felt lonely.

One sunny day, she noticed a small fish trapped in a net. The fish looked scared.

One sunny day,  Merina the little mermaid noticed a small fish trapped in a net. The fish looked scared.

Merina rushed to help. She pulled and tugged at the net until the fish was free.

Merina the little mermaid  rushed to help. She pulled and tugged at the net until the fish was free. rushed to help. She pulled and tugged at the net until the fish was free. rushed to help. She pulled and tugged at the net until the fish was free.

"Thank you," the fish said. "I'm Finny. I was so afraid before you came along!"

"Thank you," the fish said. "I'm Finny. I was so afraid before you came along!"

Merina smiled. "I'm happy to help, Finny. Do you want to swim together?"

Merina the little mermaid smiled. "I'm happy to help, Finny. Do you want to swim together?"

Finny's eyes sparkled with joy. "I would love to! And perhaps we could explore the reef."

fish Finny's eyes sparkled with joy.

Together, they swam through colorful corals and played hide-and-seek with schools of fish.

Merina the little mermaid  and yhe fish swam through colorful corals and played hide and seek with schools of fish.

Merina showed Finny her favorite places. She never had someone to share them with before.

Merina the little mermaid  showed fish Finny her favorite places. She never had someone to share them with before.

"This is amazing," said Finny. "I didn't know the reef had so many secrets!"

"This is amazing," said fish  Finny. "I didn't know the reef had so many secrets!"

As the sun started to set, Merina and Finny promised to meet again the next day.

As the sun started to set, Merina the little mermaid  and the fish Finny promised to meet again the next day.

Merina felt a warmth in her heart. She was glad to have made a new friend.

Merina the little mermaid  felt a warmth in her heart. She was glad to have made a new friend.

She couldn't wait for tomorrow's adventure. She knew it would be even better with a friend.

Merina the little mermaid  couldn't wait for tomorrow's adventure. She knew it would be even better with a friend.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Merina felt when she saw Finny trapped, and why?
  • What can you do to help someone who is scared or in trouble?
  • Why is sharing experiences with friends special?

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