Once upon a time, in a cozy little house inside the walls, lived a tiny mouse named Misty. She had shiny grey fur and the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen. Every night, when the big house went quiet, Misty would sneak out to find cheese and crumbs.
One night, Misty heard a sad squeak coming from the kitchen. She bravely followed the sound and found a new mouse caught in a trap. The new mouse's name was Timmy, and he was very scared.
Don't worry, I'll set you free! Misty said. She tugged and pulled with all her might, and with a snap, the trap opened. Timmy was free! Thank you, Misty! You are so brave! Timmy squeaked.
From that night on, Misty and Timmy became the best of friends. They shared cheese and played hide-and-squeak. But Misty still loved adventures and promised to show Timmy the secret tunnels of the house.
Misty took Timmy through the walls and showed him the pantry where they found a big piece of cheddar cheese. It was heavy, but together they pushed and pulled it back to their cozy home.
Their tummies full and hearts happy, Misty and Timmy sat by the window watching the stars. You know, Misty, you're not just brave, you are also the best friend ever! Timmy said with a smile.
And every night thereafter, Misty and Timmy had new adventures. They met other friendly mice and even helped some in trouble. Misty was known by everyone as Misty the Brave, the mouse with the biggest heart in the whole house.