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Muzaffar's New Adventure

Muzaffar woke up excited. Today was his first day of school. He stretched and smiled.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes wakes up, feeling excited about his first school day.

He wore his bright blue shirt and khaki pants. His backpack was heavy with new books.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes gets dressed in his school outfit with his new backpack.

At breakfast, Muzaffar ate his favorite pancakes. He wondered about making new friends.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes has breakfast, thinking about friendship.

Mum said, 'You'll do great!' and hugged him tight. Muzaffar felt braver.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes's mother encourages him, giving him a boost of confidence.

Walking to school, Muzaffar saw other children. Some looked just as nervous as he felt.

Walking to school, A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes observes his peers and their emotions.

In class, he found a seat next to a girl named Sophia. She smiled at him.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes meets A friendly girl with a welcoming smile, his friendly classmate.

The teacher, Mr. Ahmed, had kind eyes. He welcomed everyone to the class.

Introduction to Their teacher with a gentle demeanor and kind eyes, the kind teacher.

Muzaffar listened to a story about a lion making friends. He thought about being brave like the lion.

Listening to a courage-themed story, A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes finds inspiration.

At recess, Muzaffar joined a game of tag. Running and laughing felt wonderful.

Enjoying recess, A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes participates in a playful activity.

After recess, Sophia asked Muzaffar to be her partner in a science project.

A friendly girl with a welcoming smile invites A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes to partner up, fostering a new friendship.

Working together, they made a small volcano erupt. It was exciting to see.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes and A friendly girl with a welcoming smile successfully complete a science project.

When Mum picked him up, Muzaffar chattered all the way home about his amazing day.

A young boy with curly hair and bright, eager eyes shares his school day adventures with his mother.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Muzaffar felt on his way to school, and why?
  • What can you do to make a new student feel welcome?
  • Why is working together important, like Muzaffar and Sophia did in their project?

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