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Nayeli's Big Day

Today was special for Nayeli. She was going to graduate from pre-kindergarten!

Pretend you're putting on your graduation cap.

Nayeli excited about graduation day, at home.

Nayeli had tiny butterflies in her stomach, but she was also very happy.

Show your 'butterflies' by fluttering your hands.

Nayeli feeling a mix of emotions at home.

She had her glasses on, which made the world look even brighter. She feels a little sad because she won't be able to imagine riding her unicorn to Pre-K anymore

Pretend to clean your glasses and put them on.

Nayeli wearing glasses, excited about graduation day, riding a horse unicorn

Her short hair bounced as she jumped up and down with joy. She imagined riding her unicorn to school

Jump up and down like you're really excited.

Nayeli riding her unicorn to school

Mommy said, 'You are such a brave girl, Nayeli. Kindergarten will be amazing!'

Hug someone and tell them they are brave.

Nayeli and her family

At the graduation, Nayeli saw all her friends. They were ready for the big day.

Wave to your friends like you see them at school.

little kids at a graduation ceremony

She lined up with the class. Each step she took, she felt braver.

March in place, counting your steps out loud.

little kids standing in line

Nayeli's name was called. She walked across the stage to get her certificate.

Walk like you're getting an award, head held high.

Nayeli walking on stage during the ceremony.

She looked out at the crowd and saw her family cheering for her.

Clap your hands like you're cheering for someone.

a cheering group of kids

After the ceremony, her friends talked about kindergarten. Nayeli smiled. She wasn't scared.

Smile and thank your friends for being with you.

Nayeli and friends discussing kindergarten post-ceremony.

Nayeli thought about the new books she'd read and the games she'd play.

Pretend to open a book and read it excitedly.

Nayeli reading a book

She was ready for the next adventure. Kindergarten, here comes Nayeli!

Punch the air and say 'I'm ready for kindergarten!'

Nayeli cheering

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