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Night Sky's Tales of Constellations

In the dark, night sky filled with twinkling stars, Night Sky begins to tell tales of ancient constellations.

Night Sky pointing at constellations with a big smile

Once upon a time, there was a brave hunter named Orion. Look up and you'll see his shiny belt!

Orion with his belt made of bright stars

Orion loved to hunt in the forest. He was really good at tracking animals.

Orion holding a bow and arrow, surrounded by forest creatures

One day, a giant scorpion attacked Orion. But, with his sharp wit and strong arms, he defeated the scorpion!

Orion fighting a giant scorpion in a sandy desert

The gods were so impressed with Orion's bravery that they turned him into a constellation.

Orion transformed into shining stars, surrounded by celestial beings

Another constellation is the mighty Taurus, the bull. Can you spot its sparkling red eye?

Taurus with a big, sparkling red eye

Taurus was a powerful bull who protected his friends from danger.

Taurus standing tall, sheltering smaller animals from a storm

One day, a fearless princess named Europa hopped on Taurus's back for a magical adventure.

Europa riding on Taurus, flying through a starry sky

Taurus carried Europa across the ocean to a faraway land, where they lived happily ever after.

Taurus and Europa standing on a beautiful island, surrounded by palm trees

There are so many more constellations to discover in the night sky. Keep looking up and let your imagination soar!

girlren gazing up at the night sky with wonder and excitement

Reflection Questions

  • What is Orion known for?
  • What did the gods do to honor Orion?
  • Who went on an adventure with Taurus?

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