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Nir's Superhero Dad

On a sunny and beautiful day, as the tree in the garden began to bloom, Nir heard his dad's phone ring with a sound that meant something important. His dad's face changed as he looked at the message.

Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes hears a special ringtone, dad receives an important message, garden setting

'I need to go to the reserves,' Dad said seriously. 'What are reserves?' asked Nir with a puzzled look.

Tall, strong, green eyes, wears green uniform talks about reserves, Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes is confused, conversation in the living room

'Reserves is when I become a superhero and wear my cool green uniform to help the army,' Dad explained with a smile.

Tall, strong, green eyes, wears green uniform explains reserves, pretends to be superhero, bedroom setting

Nir felt worried but also proud. 'Does this mean you're a real-life superhero?' he asked.

Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes feels mixed emotions, asks about superhero, backyard setting

'Yes, every time I help others and keep our country safe, I'm like a superhero,' Dad chuckled.

Tall, strong, green eyes, wears green uniform reassures Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes, superhero chat, kitchen setting

The next day, Dad put on his green uniform and hugged Nir tight. 'I'll be back soon, my little hero,' he said.

Tall, strong, green eyes, wears green uniform wears uniform, hugs Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes, emotional goodbye, front door setting

Every night, Nir looked at the blooming tree and felt happy knowing his dad was out there being a superhero.

Curious boy, short brown hair, big brown eyes feels proud at night, blooming tree, peaceful garden setting

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