In a small, quiet village lived a girl named Noor. She was always kind and helped everyone.
Noor loved to spend her afternoons in the garden, where flowers bloomed and butterflies danced.
Things in the garden were always the same, until Noor found a plant shimmering with strange light.
As Noor approached, a soft voice begged for help. She looked closer and saw the plant shaking.
Suddenly, the plant changed shape! Before Noor stood a fairy with sparkling wings trapped in thin vines.
The fairy spoke of a wicked magician who had turned her into a plant as punishment.
To become free, Noor must get a magic ring from the forest well before the sun goes down.
Noor nodded bravely. She told her mother about the fairy and got her blessing to go.
Armed with a knife that would glow near magic, she hurried to the forest, hopeful.
Deep in the forest, a well stood guarded by a Jin with eyes like burning coals.
The Jin roared, but Noor stood firm. She remembered the knife and took it out, watching it glow.
With a clever move, Noor distracted the Jin and reached into the well to grab the ring.
Reflection Questions