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Piggy in Space

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, there was a pig named Piggy. Piggy lived on a farm on planet Earth. One day, Piggy looked up at the sky and dreamed of exploring the stars. So Piggy built a spaceship and set off on an adventure through space. As Piggy flew higher and higher, the stars twinkled and the planets whizzed by.

A cute pink pig wearing an astronaut suit. flying through space with twinkling stars and whizzing planets.

As Piggy traveled deeper into space, something incredible happened. Piggy discovered a planet made entirely of candy! There were chocolate mountains, gummy bear trees, and rivers of sweet syrup. Piggy couldn't resist trying all the delicious treats.

A cute pink pig wearing an astronaut suit. exploring a candy planet with chocolate mountains and gummy bear trees.

After indulging in the candy planet, Piggy continued on the journey. Suddenly, a group of friendly aliens appeared. They had purple skin, big pointy ears, and could speak in a language only Piggy understood. The aliens invited Piggy to their floating spaceship and showed Piggy their peculiar gadgets.

A cute pink pig wearing an astronaut suit. meeting friendly aliens with purple skin and pointy ears.

With the help of the alien friends, Piggy zoomed through space, exploring different planets and meeting fascinating creatures along the way. Piggy visited a planet with dancing robots, a planet with singing birds, and even a planet with talking trees. Piggy was having the time of their life!

A cute pink pig wearing an astronaut suit. exploring various planets with dancing robots, singing birds, and talking trees.

However, soon it was time for Piggy to return home. Piggy said goodbye to the alien friends and started the journey back to planet Earth. As Piggy's spaceship descended through the atmosphere, Piggy felt a sense of joy and accomplishment. Piggy had achieved their dream of exploring space and made new friends along the way.

A cute pink pig wearing an astronaut suit.'s spaceship descending through Earth's atmosphere with a sense of joy.

Reflection Questions

  • What did Piggy discover on their space adventure?
  • What did the aliens on the floating spaceship look like?
  • What kind of planets did Piggy visit on their journey?

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