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Piggy's Missing Toes Adventure
Piggy의 빠진 발가락 모험
Once upon a time, Piggy decided to go on an adventure to find some yummy apples. 옛날 옛적에 Piggy는 맛있는 사과를 찾기 위해 모험을 떠나기로 결정했습니다.
Piggy sets out on an apple-finding adventure, excited.
Along the way, he spotted a cozy, woolly sheep next to a thorny bush. 도중에 그는 가시덤불 옆에서 포근하고 털이 복슬복슬한 양 한 마리를 발견했습니다.
Piggy encounters a sheep by a thorny bush, unaware of the risk.
The sheep warned him, 'Careful, Piggy! The bush has sharp thorns!' 양은 그에게 '조심해라, 돼지야!'라고 경고했습니다. 그 덤불에는 날카로운 가시가 있습니다!'
Sheep warns Piggy of the danger ahead, concerned for his safety.
Piggy giggled. 'I'll be fine!' he said and trotted by the bush. 피기는 낄낄거렸다. '난 괜찮을거야!' 그는 말하고 덤불 옆을 빠르게 걸었습니다.
Ignoring the warning, Piggy proceeds past the bush, confident.
But as he passed, he felt a 'Yowch!' on his toes. It was a prickly thorn! 그러나 그가 지나갈 때 그는 'Yowch!'를 느꼈습니다. 그의 발가락에. 그것은 가시가 많은 가시였습니다!
Piggy gets pricked by a thorn while passing the bush, surprised.
Piggy hurried away from the bush, not noticing he left his pinky toes behind! Piggy는 자신이 새끼손가락 발가락을 두고 온 것을 눈치 채지 못한 채 덤불에서 서둘러 떠났습니다!
Startled Piggy rushes away, unaware of his missing toes.
After a while, Piggy found a lovely apple tree and forgot about his sore foot. 잠시 후 Piggy는 사랑스러운 사과나무를 발견하고 아픈 발을 잊어버렸습니다.
Piggy discovers an apple tree, distracted by his find.
He munched happily on an apple when a rabbit hopped over. 토끼가 뛰어올랐을 때 그는 행복하게 사과를 먹었습니다.
While eating apples, Piggy meets a rabbit, sharing a moment.
The rabbit asked, 'What happened to your toes, Piggy?' looking concerned. 토끼가 물었다. '돼지야, 네 발가락은 어떻게 된 거야?' 걱정하는 표정.
The rabbit notices Piggy's missing toes, questioning and worried.
Looking down, Piggy realized his pinky toes were gone and gasped! 아래를 내려다보던 Piggy는 자신의 새끼손가락 발가락이 없어진 것을 깨닫고 숨이 막혔습니다!
Piggy discovers his missing toes, in shock from the revelation.
He told the rabbit about the thorny bush and worriedly asked what to do. 그는 토끼에게 가시덤불에 대해 이야기하고 어떻게 해야 할지 걱정스럽게 물었습니다.
Piggy recounts the thorny bush incident to the rabbit, seeking advice.
The rabbit suggested, 'Perhaps Sheep can help! She knows many things.' 토끼는 '어쩌면 양이 도움이 될지도 몰라!'라고 제안했습니다. 그녀는 많은 것을 알고 있어요.'
Rabbit advises seeking help from Sheep, knowledgeable and wise.
So Piggy thanked the rabbit and went to find Sheep for help with his toes. 그래서 Piggy는 토끼에게 감사 인사를 하고 발가락을 치료하기 위해 양을 찾아갔습니다.
Piggy decides to look for Sheep, hoping she can assist with his toes.

Reflection Questions

  • Piggy ignored Sheep's warning and ended up hurting himself. What would you have done if you were Piggy and why?

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