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Princesas para colorir, pintar

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom.

Princess playing with butterflies in a beautiful garden

There lived three princesses who loved to color.

Three princesses sitting at a table with coloring books

They were Aurora, the pink princess.

Pink princess with a paintbrush. wearing a pink dress, holding a paintbrush

Belle, the yellow princess.

Yellow princess surrounded by flowers. wearing a yellow dress, surrounded by flowers

And Cinderella, the blue princess.

Blue princess next to a pumpkin carriage. wearing a blue dress, next to a pumpkin carriage

Every day, they would color beautiful pictures.

Princesses coloring pictures of castles and rainbows

They would show each other their masterpieces.

Princesses laughing and admiring each other's drawings

One day, a magic paintbrush appeared.

Magic paintbrush glowing with bright colors in the sky

With the magic paintbrush, their drawings came alive!

Drawings of princesses and animals coming to life

They danced and played with their colorful creations.

Princesses and animals dancing and playing in a rainbow-colored world

Reflection Questions

  • What did the princesses love to do?
  • Who was the pink princess?
  • What happened when they found the magic paintbrush?

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