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Quaid e Azam - The Father of the Nation

Once upon a time, in a land called Pakistan, there lived a great leader named Quaid e Azam. He was born on December 25, 1876, in a city called Karachi. Quaid e Azam was a tall and noble man with a white beard and kind eyes. He always wore a traditional sherwani and a cap, which made him look very wise and dignified.

The story begins in Pakistan, with Tall, noble man with a white beard and kind eyes Wears traditional sherwani and cap, a tall and noble man with a white beard.

Quaid e Azam loved his country very much and wanted to see it free. He worked day and night, talking to people, making plans, and leading peaceful protests. He wanted everyone in Pakistan to live together in harmony and freedom. People admired Quaid e Azam and followed his teachings with respect. He inspired them to work hard and be united.

Tall, noble man with a white beard and kind eyes Wears traditional sherwani and cap leads peaceful protests and inspires the people of Pakistan.

After years of struggle, Pakistan finally became an independent country on August 14, 1947. The whole nation celebrated this historic moment, and Quaid e Azam became the first Governor-General of Pakistan. He continued to work tirelessly for the betterment of his people, making important decisions and guiding the nation through challenging times.

Pakistan becomes independent and Tall, noble man with a white beard and kind eyes Wears traditional sherwani and cap becomes the first Governor-General.

Quaid e Azam taught everyone the importance of unity, hard work, and respect for one another. He believed in equality and wanted every citizen of Pakistan to have equal rights. His dream was to create a peaceful and prosperous country for future generations.

Tall, noble man with a white beard and kind eyes Wears traditional sherwani and cap teaches the values of unity, hard work, and equal rights.

Quaid e Azam's leadership and dedication will always be remembered. Even after he passed away on September 11, 1948, his vision and principles continue to guide the people of Pakistan. He is known as the Father of the Nation and his picture can be seen in schools, offices, and homes all across the country.

Tall, noble man with a white beard and kind eyes Wears traditional sherwani and cap's legacy lives on, as he is remembered as the Father of the Nation.

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Quaid e Azam wanted everyone to live together in harmony and freedom?
  • What values did Quaid e Azam teach the people of Pakistan?
  • Why is Quaid e Azam known as the Father of the Nation?

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