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Rhyme's Angel and the Magic Lesson

In a land full of colors, where laughter fills the air, There lived a little angel with rainbow-colored hair. Rhyme was her name, and she loved to sing, Spreading happiness and joy with every little thing.

An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy., an angel with rainbow hair, singing and spreading joy.

One day, as Rhyme flew through the fluffy white clouds, She saw a magical creature with a cape billowing proud. 'Hello,' said the unicorn, shimmering in gold, 'Would you like to join me in an adventure untold?'

An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy. meets a unicorn with a shimmering golden cape.

Excitedly, Rhyme nodded and hopped on its back, They flew over meadows, leaving trails of silver track. But soon, they came across a valley filled with tall trees, And there, they found a puzzle, floating in the breeze.

An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy. and the unicorn find a puzzle in a forest filled with tall trees.

'Let's solve this puzzle together,' the unicorn said with glee, 'But remember, Rhyme, honesty is the key.' Rhyme promised to be truthful, and they started to play, Piece by piece, the puzzle came together in a magical way.

An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy. and the unicorn work together to solve the puzzle.

As they finished the puzzle, it shimmered and glowed, Revealing a magic door that made Rhyme's heart explode. The unicorn waved goodbye, and Rhyme stepped inside, To find herself surrounded by wonders, far and wide.

The puzzle reveals a magical door, and An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy. steps inside.

In this magical world, where honesty always thrives, Rhyme learned the importance of truth in all our lives. And so, she returned home, to spread the lesson she learned, Being honest and kind, for that's how trust is earned!

An angel with rainbow-colored hair, spreading joy. learns the importance of honesty and returns to spread the lesson.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Rhyme promise to be truthful?
  • What did Rhyme and the unicorn find in the valley?
  • What lesson did Rhyme learn in the magical world?

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