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Rosie and the Pink Day

Rosie wakes up in her bright pink room. She smiles wide. Today, everything will be pink.

Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink in her pink bedroom, morning light streaming in, feeling excited.

At breakfast, Rosie picks out pink cereal. She pours pink milk and giggles. Pink is fun!

Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink choosing breakfast, holding a pink cereal box and pink carton of milk.

Rosie wears her pink dress and pink shoes. She twirls in front of the mirror happily.

Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink dressed in pink clothes, twirling with joy in her bedroom.

She meets her friend Max at the park. Max wears green. Rosie frowns but doesn't say anything.

Meeting at the park, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink in pink, Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green in green, slight confusion on Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink's face.

They play on the swings. Max goes high. Rosie pumps her legs to reach the pink clouds.

Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink and Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green on swings, reaching for the sky, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink imagining pink clouds.

Max invites Rosie to his house. It's blue! Rosie pauses, unsure. She misses her pink.

Outside Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green's blue house, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink hesitating, missing her familiar pink surroundings.

Inside, they make lemonade. Max has pink lemonade mix! Rosie's heart leaps with joy.

Making lemonade in the kitchen with Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink discovers the pink lemonade mix.

They build a fort with blankets. Max has only blue blankets. Rosie decides to try it.

Building a fort with blue blankets, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink gives a questionable look but participates.

In the fort, they tell stories. Rosie tells one about a pink dragon. Max listens intently.

Inside the fort, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink animatedly tells a story, Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green paying close attention.

It's time to go home. Rosie thanks Max for the fun day. The sky turns pinkish.

Leaving Boy with olive skin, short brown hair, green eyes, wears green's house, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink is grateful, the sky at dusk has a pink hue.

At home, Rosie's mom asks about her day. Rosie realizes it's not about pink, but fun with friends.

Back in her pink room, Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink telling her mom about her day, realization dawning.

Rosie sleeps in her pink bed. She dreams of pink and blue adventures with Max.

Girl with fair skin, rosy cheeks, bright hazel eyes, loves pink asleep, dreaming smiles on her face, dreams mixing pink and blue happily.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Rosie felt when she saw Max wearing green instead of pink?
  • Why do you think Rosie decided to try the blue blanket even though she prefers pink?
  • What did Rosie learn about friendship and colors by the end of the day?

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