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Sally's Adventure on the Train

Sally watched the train chug into the station. A loud whistle blew.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes at station observing the arriving train.

She held Mom's hand tight, excited for her very first train ride.

A young girl with brown hair held Mom's hand tight, excited for her very first train ride.

The conductor checked their tickets with a friendly smile. 'All aboard!'

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes with train conductor checked their tickets with a friendly smile. 'All aboard!'

The train's wheels started to turn. Sally's journey had begun!

Train starting its journey, A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes's excitement growing.

Fields of flowers zipped by the window, as Sally watched in awe.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes enjoying the view of the passing countryside.

She made a friend, a girl named Lucy, who loved trains too.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes making a new friend on the train.

Lucy shared her snacks, and they both giggled happily together.

Sharing snacks and laughter with a new friend.

Sally saw a river, and the bridge they crossed was so high!

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes amazed by the river view from the high bridge.

Suddenly, a bunny hopped by the tracks! 'Look!' shouted Sally excitedly.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes spotting a bunny outside the train window.

The trip was soon ending, Sally felt a bit sad but grateful.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude as the ride ends.

They said goodbye to Lucy and the friendly conductor at the stop.

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes saying farewells to her new friend and the conductor.

Back at home, Sally couldn't wait to tell Dad about everything!

A young girl with brown hair and curious green eyes excited to share her train adventure with her dad.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Sally felt when the train started moving?
  • Can you describe a time when you made a new friend like Sally did?
  • Why is it important to be grateful for new experiences?

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