Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a boy named Sam. He had bright eyes and loved to play a game called Stickman War on his computer after school.
Sam played the game every day. He would rush home, throw his bag down, and click the game's icon. The stickmen would be jumping and fighting, and Sam loved to win.
Soon, Sam forgot about doing his homework. Maths and reading books didn't seem fun anymore. The only battles he cared about were the ones with stickmen.
One day, Sam's friends came over to ask him to play soccer. 'No, thanks,' Sam said, 'I'm busy with an important stickman battle!' His friends left, looking sad.
Then, Sam noticed that his grades at school were not good. His teacher was worried. At home, his mountain of unplayed toys missed him, and his dog wanted to play.
That night, as he lay in bed, Sam thought about the games, his lonely toys, and his sad friends. 'Maybe I need to make some changes,' he whispered to his teddy bear.
The next day, Sam did his homework first. Then he called his friends to play soccer. After that, he played Stickman War for just one hour. He was happier, and so were his friends!