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Sammy Squirrel's Speckle Search

Sammy Squirrel was a bouncy, brown ball of fluff, with a tail as swirly as a cinnamon bun.

A cute fluffy squirrel with a swirly tail

He lived high up, high up, high up in a tree, with his mama and his papa and a whole bunch of siblings, you see!

A family of squirrels in a tree hole nest

One sunny morning, Sammy woke up with a yawn and a stretch. But something was different. Something

A surprised-looking squirrel waking up

Sammy's nose twitched. His whiskers wiggled. Where was his favorite thing in the whole wide world?

Close-up of a squirrel's nose and whiskers twitching

"My speckle!" cried Sammy. "My favorite acorn with the white speckle, it's gone!"

A squirrel looking worried, holding an acorn

Mama Squirrel chuckled, "Sammy, honey, it's probably rolled away. Now hush and eat your breakfast."

A mother squirrel comforting her baby

But Sammy couldn't eat. He wanted his speckle back. So, with a flick of his tail and a hop, he was off!

A squirrel leaping off a tree branch

Down, down, down the tree trunk he climbed, then scampered through the grass, his tiny heart thump-thump-thumping.

A squirrel running through tall grass

First, Sammy met Rosie Robin, chirping a merry tune. "Rosie!" Sammy cried. "Have you seen my speckle?"

A squirrel talking to a robin

Rosie tilted her head, "Speckle? Is it red and juicy? I love red and juicy things!"

A robin looking curious

"No, silly!" Sammy giggled. "It's brown and hard and has a white dot!"

A squirrel holding up an acorn to a robin

"Hmm, not today, Sammy," chirped Rosie, pecking at the ground. "Good luck!"

A robin pecking at the ground

Sammy scurried on, his tail a furry flag behind him. He spotted Benny Bluebird, perched on a branch.

A squirrel running with its tail up, approaching a bluebird

"Benny!" Sammy called. "Have you seen my speckle?"

A squirrel talking to a bluebird perched on a branch

Benny puffed up his blue feathers, "Is it a wriggly worm? Because I just ate a delicious one!"

A bluebird with puffed up feathers

Sammy shook his head, his speckle-less heart sinking. "No, it's round and bumpy and has a white dot!"

A sad-looking squirrel holding an acorn

"Nope, can't say I have," sang Benny, taking flight. "Maybe Freddy Frog has it?"

A bluebird flying away from a tree branch

Sammy hopped and skipped towards the pond, where Freddy Frog was soaking up the sun.

A squirrel hopping towards a pond

"Freddy! Freddy!" Sammy shouted. "Have you seen my speckle?"

A squirrel talking to a frog sitting on a lily pad

Freddy blinked his bulgy eyes, "Is it a crunchy cricket? Because those are my favorite!"

A frog with bulging eyes sitting on a lily pad

"No!" Sammy sighed, his shoulders drooping. "It's brown and hard and has a white dot!"

A sad-looking squirrel showing a frog an acorn

"Never seen it, pal," croaked Freddy, diving into the water with a splash. "But keep looking!"

A frog jumping into a pond

Sammy sat by the pond, his tail drooping. He missed his speckle. It was special.

A sad squirrel sitting by a pond

Suddenly, Sammy felt a tap on his head. He looked up. It was Rosie Robin, Benny Bluebird, and...a very wet Freddy Frog!

A robin, a bluebird, and a wet frog standing around a squirrel

Rosie dropped something at Sammy's feet. It was brown and hard and...had a white dot!

A robin dropping an acorn at a squirrel's feet

"My speckle!" Sammy squealed, snatching it up. "You found it! But how?"

A happy squirrel holding up an acorn

Benny chirped, "Rosie saw it fall out of your fur when you were talking to me!"

A robin, a bluebird, and a frog standing around a squirrel

"And we all know how much you love it," croaked Freddy, grinning. "So we brought it back!"

A robin, a bluebird, and a frog smiling at a squirrel

Sammy beamed. He didn't just have his speckle back, he had friends who helped him. And that made him the happiest squirrel in the whole wide world!

A happy squirrel surrounded by his friends

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Sammy felt when he couldn't find his speckle?
  • Why do you think the other animals helped Sammy find his speckle?
  • What does this story teach us about friendship?

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