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Sherly Squirrel and the Monsoon Marvel

In a big, big tree, in a forest green, lived Sherly the Squirrel, lively and lean.

A charming forest scene with a large, lush tree and a small, lively squirrel named Sherly looking excited.

Sherly loved to play, with leaves and twigs all day. But wise old Owl, with a hoot, had something to say.

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail playing with leaves and twigs while an old wise Owl perches on a higher branch.

"Little Sherly Squirrel, the monsoon's on its way. You have to gather food, or you'll go hungry every day," the Owl did convey.

The Owl talking to A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail with a serious expression; dark clouds starting to gather in the sky.

Sherly giggled, 'Oh, I have time! The sun so shiny, and a weather so fine.'

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail laughing and looking carefree; daytime with clear skies and bright sunshine.

Days passed quickly, filled with bounce and flurry, Sherly's stash was tiny, now she was in a hurry!

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail looking surprised and worried as she notices her small stash of food; time passing quickly conveyed by the changing position of the sun.

The rain clouds were rumbling, boom, boom, and crash! Sherly dashed and dashed to gather food in a flash.

Dark, rumbling clouds overhead and A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail scurrying to collect food; the ground is slightly wet with the first drops of rain.

She found nuts and berries, yummy and sweet, and stored them in her den, nice and neat.

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail finding and collecting nuts and berries with a joyful expression and storing them neatly in her cozy den.

The rain poured down, splash, drizzle, and drip, but Sherly’s home was snug, not chilly or damp.

Heavy rain falling outside, but Sherly's den looks warm and dry with a flickering lantern casting a comforting glow.

Through the long, wet days, Sherly was so glad, for she had listened to Owl, and that made her feel glad.

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail looking out from her cozy den, feeling happy and grateful as she stays dry and safe from the rain.

She munched on her food, both night and noon, while the wind went whoosh, swish, and soon.

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail happily eating a nut, feeling content in her warm den, while outside the wind howls and the rain continues to fall.

When the rain had gone, golden sun came back. Sherly scampered out, with a quick clack-clack.

The sun shining brightly again as A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail cheerfully runs out of her den; the forest looks fresh and alive after the rain.

She thanked wise old Owl, for his advice so kind, and knew from now on, she’d keep food in mind.

A lively, lean squirrel with a curious and playful expression, small and brown with a bushy tail talking to the wise old Owl with gratitude in her eyes; the forest is peaceful and drenched in golden sunlight.

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Sherly Squirrel didn't listen to wise old Owl at first?
  • How did Sherly feel when she realized she didn't have enough food?
  • What lesson did Sherly learn by the end of the story, and how can you apply it to your own life?

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