In the heart of a cozy, cuddly forest, lived a little girl named Shesus. With bouncy brown curls and wide wonder eyes, she loved exploring the forest's many surprise.
One sunny day, Shesus skipped along the winding path, when suddenly—BAM—she heard a surprising crash! 'What could it be?' she wondered with glee.
Following the sound, Shesus found a tree—a tree that was giggling, as happy as can be. It shimmered and shimmered, with each giggle it shone, like the brightest beacon one could ever have known.
'Hello magic tree,' Shesus said with a grin, and the tree replied, 'Oh what fun we’ll begin! I’ll show you magic from roots to leaves.' It sparkled and twinkled, filling Shesus with beliefs.
'Touch my trunk,' the tree said, 'and you'll see up high! My branches will lift you up to the sky.' With a touch oh-so-light, Shesus rose with delight, sailing through treetops like a bird in flight.
Over the forest she soared with a swoosh, as leaves spun around her in a delightful whoosh. Down below critters waved with joy. 'Laugh and play, little girl,’ shouted each squirrel and koi.
Suddenly Shesus spotted something shiny and round. A golden apple on the tree, surprise she found! 'A magical fruit for your magical quest,' said the tree with a whisper, 'Take it; it’s the best!'
With apple in hand, Shesus wondered aloud, 'What secrets do you hold, oh fruit so proud?' It glowed and it gleamed, and then began to sing, 'A song of the tree, of the wonders I'd bring.'
'Whenever you’re lonely, or feeling quite small, just think of me, my dear, and give me a call.' Shesus laughed at the thought and blew it a kiss. 'You’re a special friend I would never miss!'
The tree, with a wink, said, 'Back home you must go. But remember, my dear, in your heart I will glow.' With a gentle puff—a soft, colorful breeze—Shesus landed lightly on her own two knees.
Thanking the tree, Shesus waved with cheer, knowing their friendship would always be near. As she walked home under the twinkling sky, she whispered to the stars, 'See you soon, oh magic nearby!'
And in the forest of dreams that forever remain, she and the magic tree will meet again. For magic and love never truly part—they’ll live forever inside Shesus's heart.
Reflection Questions