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Shrek’s Childhood Adventures

Once upon a time, in a swamp deep in the woods, lived Shrek and his parents.

Introduction of Green skin, curious eyes and his parents in their swamp home.

Shrek’s father was tall and strong, with green skin and kind eyes.

Description of Green skin, curious eyes's father, his appearance and personality.

Shrek’s mother was gentle and caring, always wearing a bright smile.

Description of Green skin, curious eyes's mother, her appearance and personality.

Every morning, they collected berries and mushrooms for breakfast.

Family gathering food in the woods for their morning meal.

One day, Shrek's father told him a story about a hidden treasure in the forest.

Green skin, curious eyes’s father telling a treasure story to Green skin, curious eyes in the forest.

Shrek was excited and wanted to find the treasure. His parents agreed to help.

Green skin, curious eyes’s excitement and his parents' decision to help find the treasure.

They packed food and set off on an adventure, walking hand in hand.

Family starting their treasure hunt adventure together.

On their journey, they faced strong winds and heavy rains but never gave up.

Challenges faced during the journey, describing the weather.

Finally, they reached an old tree with a big hole, just like in the story.

Family finding the landmark from the story, an old tree with a hole.

Inside the hole, they found a chest full of shiny gold coins.

Discovery of the treasure chest filled with gold inside the tree hole.

Shrek’s parents hugged him tightly, proud of their brave son.

Family celebrating their success and showing affection to Green skin, curious eyes.

They returned home, happy and closer than ever before.

Family returning home after the adventure, feeling happy and united.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Shrek's parents show their love for him during the adventure?
  • What can you learn from Shrek about being brave?
  • Why is it important to never give up when facing challenges?

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