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Sleep Soundly with Benny and the Owl

Benny couldn’t fall asleep. His room was dark, and the night was quiet.

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas lying awake, room dark, night peaceful

He thought of counting sheep, but Benny wanted to try something new tonight.

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas thoughtful, considering other methods to sleep

Just then, a soft 'Whoo' sound came from the window. It was Olive, the owl.

An owl called Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes appears at the window, moonlit background

Olive flew in, her wings silent. 'Having trouble sleeping, Benny?' she asked.

Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes flies in, conversation starts, room still dark

Yes, Olive. I need a new way to doze off. Can you teach me how?'

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas speaking to Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes, expressing his issue

'Of course! Let's start with deep breaths,' Olive said, demonstrating.

Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes showing how to take deep breaths, Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas watches

Benny took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly, just like Olive showed.

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas attempting the breathing technique

'Now let’s think calm thoughts,' Olive suggested, thinking of the moonlit sky.

Both characters closing eyes, thinking peaceful thoughts

Benny closed his eyes and pictured the quiet forest and gentle rivers.

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas visualizing a peaceful forest scene

'Do you feel sleepier, Benny?' Olive whispered as the moon shone bright.

Dialogue as they both relax, moon shines through window

Benny yawned and nodded. 'Thank you, Olive. I think I’m ready to sleep.'

Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas yawning, feeling sleepy, Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes looks on happily

With a happy 'Whoo,' Olive flew away. Benny drifted to sleep, smiling peacefully.

Wise owl, brown feathers, caring yellow eyes leaves, Young boy, brown hair, blue pajamas sleeping soundly

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Benny felt when he couldn't sleep?
  • What might Olive's visit mean to someone who feels alone at night?
  • Why is it important to have calm thoughts before sleeping?

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