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Snow White and the Magic Mirror

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a princess named Snow White. Snow White had skin as white as snow, rosy cheeks, and black hair that shone like the night sky. Snow White's stepmother, the Queen had a magic mirror. Every day, the Queen would ask, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" The magic mirror would answer that the fairest of all was the Queen, and this made her happy. However, when Snow White grew up, the mirror changed its answer.

A beautiful princess, a magic mirror, and a twist!

One day, the mirror spoke, "Snow White, oh so fair, your heart is pure, beauty beyond compare!" The Queen was furious when she heard this. Jealousy consumed her heart and she plotted to get rid of Snow White. She summoned a huntsman and ordered him to take Snow White to the forest and never return. The huntsman was kind-hearted and couldn't harm Snow White, so he advised her to run away and never come back.

The Elegant and regal with a magic mirror's jealousy and the escape of Fair skin, rosy cheeks, black shiny hair like the night sky.

Snow White ran deep into the forest, feeling scared and alone. But soon, she stumbled upon a small cottage that belonged to seven dwarfs. They kindly let her in and offered a place to stay. Snow White promised to keep the house tidy in return. The dwarfs found joy in having Snow White around and her kind heart won them over. Meanwhile, the Queen, convinced of Snow White's demise, resumed her position as the fairest in the land.

Fair skin, rosy cheeks, black shiny hair like the night sky finds shelter and friendship with the seven dwarfs.

One day, when the Queen asked her mirror, it replied, "Snow White, oh so fair, still lives with the dwarfs, beyond compare!" The Queen was horrified and filled with rage. She disguised herself and went to the dwarfs' cottage to find Snow White. But the dwarfs recognized her and foiled her evil plans. They protected Snow White and warned her to be cautious. The Queen, defeated and consumed by jealousy, vanished from the land forever.

The Elegant and regal with a magic mirror's final attempt and Fair skin, rosy cheeks, black shiny hair like the night sky's triumph.

Snow White lived happily ever after with the dwarfs, and her beauty and kindness spread throughout the kingdom. The magic mirror was forgotten, no longer needed to determine who was fairest. And the Queen's jealousy was replaced by harmony and love.

A happy ending for Fair skin, rosy cheeks, black shiny hair like the night sky and the entire kingdom.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Snow White win the hearts of the seven dwarfs?
  • What caused the Queen to become jealous and evil?
  • Why did the magic mirror's answer change for Snow White?

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