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Strength from Above
In a sunny meadow, a young girl named Lily felt very small. 在一片陽光明媚的草地上,一個名叫莉莉的小女孩覺得自己很渺小。

Touch your toes and reach high like a tall tree.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress in a meadow looking at a tall tree, feeling timid.
She wanted to climb the tall oak tree, but the branches looked so high. 她想爬上那棵高大的橡樹,但樹枝看起來太高了。

Pretend to shield your eyes and look up at a tall tree.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress in a meadow looking at a tall tree, feeling timid.
Lily remembered her mom saying, 'You have more strength than you know, with help from above.' 莉莉記得她媽媽說:“在上面的幫助下,你比你想像的更有力量。”

Place a hand over your heart and smile with confidence.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress recalling her mother's encouraging words.
Taking a deep breath, Lily reached for the lowest branch. 莉莉深吸了一口氣,伸手去夠最低的樹枝。

Stretch your arms as if grabbing a branch.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress about to start climbing the oak tree.
She pulled herself up and sat, looking at the meadow from up high. 她站起來坐下,從高處看著草地。

Sit down and look around at the world from high above.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress sitting on a tree branch, a new perspective of the meadow.
Every step she took brought her closer to the sky, as though she was being lifted. 每踏出一步,她都離天空更近,彷彿被升起。

Lift one leg as though stepping onto a higher branch.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress climbing higher, feeling supported by an unseen force.
The leaves whispered, 'Keep going, Lily,' as a gentle breeze pushed her onward. 樹葉低聲說:“繼續前進,莉莉”,一陣微風推著她向前走。

Wave your hands gently like the rustling leaves.

Leaves rustling around Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress as she feels encouraged by the wind.
With each branch, Lily felt stronger and knew she wasn't alone. 隨著每個分支的出現,莉莉都感到更加堅強,並且知道她並不孤單。

Give yourself a big hug to feel the strength within you.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress gaining confidence with each branch she conquers.
Near the top, Lily found a bird's nest and whispered, 'I made it, thank you.' 接近山頂時,莉莉發現了一個鳥巢,小聲說:“我成功了,謝謝你。”

Cup your hands around your mouth and whisper 'I made it.'

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress at the top, whispering her thanks to a bird's nest.
Gazing down, everything seemed possible. The meadow was a sea of green hope. 低頭一看,一切都有可能。草地是一片綠色希望的海洋。

Shade your eyes and gaze into the distance with hope.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress looking down at the meadow from the top, feeling hopeful.
Climbing down, Lily's heart was full. She had done it with help from above. 爬下來,莉莉心裡很充實。她是在上面的幫助下做到的。

Climb down slowly, feeling your feet firmly on the ground.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress climbing down, feeling fulfilled and thankful.
Back on the ground, Lily knew she could face big things with a little faith. 回到地面後,莉莉知道只要有一點信心,她就能面對大事。

Stand up straight, arms at your side, feeling grounded and strong.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress stands firm on the ground, ready for new challenges.

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