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Tenzin and the Yeti's Secret

Deep in the Himalayas, Tenzin the monk meditated under a big tree.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes meditating near a big tree in the Himalayas

As he closed his eyes, he heard a funny noise coming from a nearby cave.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes hearing a funny noise near a cave

Curious, Tenzin went to explore and found a friendly yeti with a secret.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes meeting a friendly yeti in a cave

The yeti revealed a magical flower that could bring peace to the world.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes being shown a magical flower by the yeti

Together, they ventured through the snowy mountains to share the flower's gift.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes and the yeti on a snowy mountain adventure

As they reached the village, the flower's power spread, bringing joy to all.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes and the yeti bringing joy to a village with the magical flower

From that day on, Tenzin and the yeti became the best of friends, spreading happiness together.

Wise monk with a peaceful smile, wearing orange robes and the yeti happy and spreading joy around the village

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