In the town of Jinglewood, under a sparkling sky so blue, lived a boy named Thankful Toby, who always knew what to do.
Toby loved to say 'thank you,' to everything grown or small, from kittens in the kitchen to giants in the hall.
One bright and sunny morning, with birds chirping 'tweet,' Toby decided to surprise his friends with a treat!
He baked some jiggly jellybeans that wiggled on the tray, and candies that sang melodies in the silliest way.
"This will make them merry, they'll love this treat gallore, a sweet celebration, who could ask for more?"
He hurried to the forest, where treehouses stood tall, and called for all his friends, 'Let's have a candy ball!'
Out came Lucy the Ladybug, and Sam the Singing Frog, followed by Happy Harriet, the hopping hedgehog!
Together they danced and twirled, under the shimmering sun, giggling and laughing, having so much fun.
"Thank you, Toby dear, for this lovely day. With friends and sweets, you made us chirp 'hooray!'"
And so Thankful Toby learned, a little kindness and cheer, makes the world a brighter place, for all who hold it dear.
So remember, little readers, be thankful and kind. Surprises and smiles, you never know what you'll find!
For each 'thank you' you give, brings joy like a bell. Spread happiness around you, and you'll feel it as well.
Reflection Questions