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The 12 Stations of the Cross for Kids

Jesus is condemned to death by Pilate.

Pilate - angry man in a toga. pointing at Jesus - kind man in a white robe. with angry crowd

Jesus carries his cross.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. struggling to carry a big wooden cross

Jesus falls the first time.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. falling with cross, dust flying

Jesus meets his mother, Mary.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. hugging Mary - loving woman in a blue dress., both with sad faces

Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.

Simon - strong man with a friendly face. helping Jesus - kind man in a white robe. with a big smile

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Veronica - young woman with a caring smile. wiping Jesus - kind man in a white robe.'s sweaty face with a towel

Jesus falls the second time.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. falling again, cross tilting

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

Sad women offering Jesus - kind man in a white robe. food and comfort

Jesus falls the third time.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. falling again, cross breaking to pieces

Jesus is stripped of his garments.

People taking clothes off Jesus - kind man in a white robe., leaving him in underwear

Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. with nails and ropes on the cross

Jesus dies on the cross.

Jesus - kind man in a white robe. hanging on the cross with sad faces

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