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The Adventure of the Lost Kite

One sunny day, Sara and Tom went to the park with a bright red kite.

Girl, 7 years old, long brown hair, brown eyes, cheerful, Boy, 7 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, determined in park, sunny day, playing with red kite.

They ran across the green grass, laughing as the kite danced in the sky.

Children running, green grass, kite flying high, laughter.

Suddenly, the wind blew harder, and the string slipped from Tom's hand.

Wind blowing, kite string slips from Boy, 7 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, determined's hand.

They watched in shock as the kite flew away, over the trees and out of sight.

Children shocked, kite flying away, disappearing.

Sara said, 'Don't worry, Tom. We can find it together!' They started their search.

Girl, 7 years old, long brown hair, brown eyes, cheerful comforting Boy, 7 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, determined, children resolve to find lost kite.

They asked Mr. Jones, the ice cream seller, if he saw the kite. He pointed to the hill.

Children questioning ice cream seller, he points to a hill.

Up the hill they went, finding their kite caught in a tall oak tree.

Children climbing hill, spotting kite in oak tree.

Tom tried to climb the tree, but it was too high. Sara had an idea.

Boy, 7 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, determined attempting to climb tree, too high, Girl, 7 years old, long brown hair, brown eyes, cheerful has an idea.

They made a long hook with a stick and some string they found on the ground.

Children making hook from stick and string.

Working together, they reached the kite and pulled it down safely.

Working together to retrieve kite with homemade hook.

As they held their kite, they smiled, happy to have their adventure together.

Children smiling, holding kite, happy with their teamwork.

They promised to always help each other, no matter what the problem may be.

Children making a promise to help each other.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Tom felt when the kite flew away, and why?
  • What does Sara's response to the lost kite tell you about her character?
  • How did working together help Sara and Tom solve their problem?

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