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The Amazing Faces on the Mountain

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a big mountain called Mount Rushmore. It was a special mountain because it had four giant faces carved into it. The faces were of four important presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. These presidents were very wise and helped make America a great country.

The story begins by introducing Mount Rushmore and the four presidents' faces carved on it.

George Washington was the first president of the United States. He had a white wig and wore a blue coat. He was a brave leader and fought for freedom. People called him the 'Father of His Country.'

Description of George Washington had white hair and wore a blue coat's face and his important role as the first president.

Thomas Jefferson was another president. He had curly hair and wore a brown coat. He was very smart and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He believed in freedom and equality for everyone.

Description of Thomas Jefferson had curly hair and wore a brown coat's face and his role in writing the Declaration of Independence.

Abraham Lincoln was a tall and kind president. He had a big black hat and a long beard. He wanted to end slavery and make sure everyone was treated fairly. He gave a famous speech called the 'Gettysburg Address.'

Description of Abraham Lincoln had a big black hat and a long beard's face and his efforts to end slavery and promote equality.

Theodore Roosevelt was a strong and adventurous president. He had glasses and a big mustache. He loved nature and wanted to protect it. He created national parks for people to enjoy.

Description of Theodore Roosevelt had glasses and a big mustache's face and his passion for nature and creating national parks.

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