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The Angel Who Fell in Love

Once upon a cloud, there was a little angel named Amy. She loved watching over the world.

Introduction to Angel A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling on her cloud, overlooking Earth, serene and happy.

Amy had a secret. She had a big crush on a kind boy she saw from above.

Revealing A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling's feelings for a boy on Earth, her secret crush.

She watched him help animals and share his snacks. Her heart felt like it was sparkling.

Watching the boy's good deeds, A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling's affection grows, her heart is joyful.

Amy wanted to meet the boy. So, she asked the head angel if she could visit Earth.

A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling seeks permission to go to Earth, feeling determined and hopeful.

The head angel smiled and gave her a magical feather. 'This will help you,' he said.

The head angel provides a magical feather for A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling's journey, imparting wisdom.

With the feather, Amy flew down to Earth. She played games and laughed with the boy.

A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling's adventures on Earth with the boy, full of fun and friendship.

When it was time to leave, the boy gave her a hug. Amy's heart felt full and happy.

A heartfelt goodbye between A small angel with golden hair and big blue eyes, always smiling and the boy, a precious moment of connection.

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