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The Bear and the Friends

Vijay and Raju were friends who went for a walk in the forest on a holiday. They enjoyed the beauty of nature.

Introduction to the characters and setting of a forest, introducing Dark hair, brown eyes, determined and Black hair, green eyes, impulsive as friends.

Suddenly, they saw a bear coming at them. They became frightened.

Tension rises as the bear appears, creating a sense of danger in the forest setting.

Raju, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Vijay.

Black hair, green eyes, impulsive's quick thinking and action in climbing the tree while leaving Dark hair, brown eyes, determined behind.

Vijay had no idea how to climb the tree. He thought for a second and then remembered that animals don’t prefer dead bodies.

Dark hair, brown eyes, determined's realization of his predicament and the plan that comes to his mind to protect himself.

He fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, it went on its way.

The climax of the story where Dark hair, brown eyes, determined's plan to play dead works, and the bear leaves them alone.

Raju, seeing Vijay safe, asked him what the bear whispered into his ears. Vijay replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like you” and went on his way.

The resolution of the story where Dark hair, brown eyes, determined's reply to Black hair, green eyes, impulsive reveals his feelings and decision.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Vijay felt when Raju climbed the tree and left him behind?
  • Why do you think Vijay came up with the plan to play dead when the bear approached?
  • What do you think Raju learned from Vijay's response to his question at the end?

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