Once upon a time, there were five birds named Billy, Minnie, Pillow, Reddy, and Pinky. They lived happily with their family on a tall tree branch. One sunny day, they decided to have a picnic.
Billy packed delicious sandwiches, Minnie brought juicy fruits, Pillow carried a big blanket, Reddy brought a basket of cookies, and Pinky brought a jug of refreshing lemonade. They all flew to a nearby meadow and spread out their picnic goodies.
As they started eating, a strong wind suddenly blew and carried away their blanket, food, and drinks. The birds were sad and worried. But Billy, the bravest bird, said, 'Don't worry, my friends! We can find our things and have a great picnic!'
With confidence, Billy led the way. Minnie, Pillow, Reddy, and Pinky followed him. They searched high and low, through bushes and trees, until they found their picnic things scattered all around. They gathered everything back and set up their picnic again.
They laughed, ate, and enjoyed their picnic together. The birds realized that even when things go wrong, being confident and working together can make everything better. From that day on, they knew they could face any challenge with bravery and confidence.
Reflection Questions