Once upon a time, in a cozy little mouse hole, lived a brave little mouse named Max. Max was small, but he had a big heart. He loved to explore and discover new things, but sometimes he felt scared.
One sunny morning, Max heard a loud noise coming from outside his mouse hole. Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to go investigate. As he ventured out, he saw a big, scary cat blocking his path. Max took a deep breath and reminded himself to be brave.
With a sudden burst of confidence, Max scampered over to the cat. He looked up at the cat and said, 'Hey, Mr. Cat, I may be small, but I'm not afraid of you!'. The cat was taken by surprise and didn't know what to say. Max stood tall and looked the cat in the eyes.
The cat realized that Max wasn't scared of him and decided to leave. Max felt proud of himself for being brave and standing up to his fear. From that day on, Max knew that no matter how small he was, he could do big things.
Reflection Questions