In a magical forest, where the sun always smiles, lived a squirrel named Benny who went miles and miles. Benny was small with fur so red, his heart was brave and full of dread.
Oh, Benny was curious, and Benny was bold. He wandered through forests, through valleys and knolls. He met with the birds, the bees, and the frogs, and even the wise old turtle who lived in the bogs.
"Benny, be careful," the animals would say, "The forest has secrets; don’t wander away. But Benny just chuckled, then scampered along, humming a whimsical, brave little song.
One sunny morning, with leaves all aglow, Benny set off where the daisies do grow. He ventured a path he had not known, near the Great Oak Tree, where secrets were sown.
As he climbed higher, with branches that bend, he spotted a shimmer, a light at the end. Pushing through leaves, what did he see? A fountain of silver and a Golden Honeybee!
The bee buzzed loudly, "Oh, what a surprise! A squirrel so brave, with curious eyes." Benny was startled but stood his ground. "I am Benny the squirrel, the bravest around!"
The bee then said, "You've passed the test. The bravest squirrel, you are the best!" With a flick of wings, it danced in cheer, "Now take this gift, Benny, for there’s more to hear."
In Benny’s tiny paws, a golden acorn lay. "This magical nut will light your way." Thanking the bee, Benny made his descent, with the golden acorn, as twilight was spent.
As Benny scurried home, under the moon’s gentle light. He marveled at the forest, now cloaked in night. He tucked away the acorn, in his cozy little nest, heart full of courage, feeling truly blessed.
So remember dear children, as you sleep and dream, bravery is magical, like glitter and gleam. Just like Benny, with heart in his chest, always be curious, and do your best!
Reflection Questions