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The Calming of Jumpy the Rabbit

In the middle of a sunny meadow, Jumpy the Rabbit was always hopping around.

Sunny meadow, A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes the Rabbit hopping, day time

He couldn't sit still, even when his friends were trying to rest under the shade.

Friends resting, A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes unable to sit still, shaded area

One afternoon, Molly the Mouse said, 'Jumpy, why don't you relax with us?'

A gentle gray mouse with small, curious eyes the Mouse speaking, afternoon time, question to A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes

Jumpy replied, 'I don't know how! I always feel like I need to move!'

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes responding, expressing his restlessness

Molly smiled gently, 'Let me teach you a game. It's called Statue.'

A gentle gray mouse with small, curious eyes introduces a game, smiling, friendly suggestion

Curious, Jumpy listened as Molly explained, 'When I say statue, freeze like a stone!'

A gentle gray mouse with small, curious eyes explaining the game, A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes listening carefully

Jumpy tried it. He wiggled his nose, but he stayed still as can be. And he liked it!

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes trying the Statue game, succeeding, feeling content

Next, Benny the Bird chirped, 'Take deep breaths, it'll help you calm down.'

A cheerful yellow bird with bright, round eyes the Bird giving advice, chirping, teaching breathing

Inhale, exhale, Jumpy felt his body relax. 'This is great!' he exclaimed.

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes practicing deep breathing, feeling relaxation

Then, Lola the Ladybug offered, 'Count the flowers. It's a fun way to focus.'

A kind red ladybug with tiny, friendly eyes the Ladybug suggesting counting activity, offering help

Jumpy counted one, two, three... He reached ten and found himself very calm.

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes counting flowers, achieving calmness, concentration

Now Jumpy knew how to calm down. Statue, breathing, and counting were his new tools.

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes learning calming techniques, feeling happy, equipped with tools

He was grateful to his friends. 'Thank you,' Jumpy said. 'Now I can enjoy the meadow too.'

A very active brown rabbit with big, expressive eyes thanking friends, feeling gratitude, enjoying the meadow

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Jumpy felt when he couldn't sit still?
  • What are some ways that Molly, Benny, and Lola showed kindness to Jumpy?
  • Can you think of a time when you felt restless? What helped you calm down?

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