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The Clever Crow and the Thirsty Journey

Once upon a time, in a sun-drenched valley, a clever crow felt very thirsty.

Setting: Sun-drenched valley, Main Character: Clever crow, Problem: Thirsty

The crow searched high and low for water but found only a bottle with a little bit of water at the bottom, out of reach.

Search for water, Bottle with little water, Crow feeling thirsty

The crow thought hard and noticed some pebbles nearby. The crow had an idea and started dropping the pebbles into the bottle, one by one.

Crow thinking, Spying pebbles, Crow's clever idea

As more pebbles filled the bottle, the water level rose. Finally, the water was high enough for the crow to drink.

Pebbles filling the Clear with a little water inside, Rising water level, Crow's excitement

The crow quenched its thirst and flew away happily, having solved the problem with its wit and perseverance.

Crow drinking water, Happy crow flying away, Problem solved

The clever crow had used its brain and tinkered with the world, finding a way to fulfill its thirst which gave it much delight.

Clever crow, Using its brain, Delight in the accomplishment

From that day on, the valley echoed with the songs of the clever crow, who became known for its wit and clever solutions.

Valley, Songs of the clever crow, Crow's reputation for cleverness

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