Deep down beneath the ocean waves, in a city of corals and caves, lived a cheerful clan, the Coral Colony crew, who danced and sang in shades of blue.
Captain Coral led with confidence, her hair swayed like seaweed in the current, she cheered the clan with a courageous cry, 'We'll conquer any challenge, give it a try!'
In the midst of the underwater town, a shy seahorse named Sammy frowned, 'I'm not so sure about diving deep, what if I can't do it?' he started to weep.
But then came Coral, with a bubbly grin, 'You can do it, just jump right in!' Sammy took a breath and soon found, with a splash, his confidence abounded.
Through daring dives and flips and spins, the Coral Colony danced with joyful grins, their laughter echoed in the ocean deep, a confident crew in the city of the deep.
As night fell on the shining sea, a chorus of confidence rang breezily, 'We'll face tomorrow, come what may, with courage and confidence, every day!'
And so, in the deep blue ocean's span, the Coral Colony lived with confidence grand, inspiring others in the sea so wide, to embrace their fears and take the tide!
Reflection Questions