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The Creation Story

On Day 1, Yahuah created light. It shined bright and yellow.

Show darkness in the outer space, then there is light

On Day 2, Yahuah created the sky. It was vast and blue.

The sky stretches across the page in different shades of blue.

On Day 3, Yahuah created land and plants. The land was brown and the plants were green and colorful.

Brown land and colorful plants cover the page.

On Day 4, Yahuah created the sun, moon, and stars. The sun was bright yellow, the moon was pale white, and the stars were tiny and sparkly.

A bright yellow sun, a pale white moon, and sparkling stars fill the sky.

On Day 5, Yahuah created birds and fish. Birds flew in the sky with colorful feathers, while fish swam in the water with scales of different shades.

Colorful birds and fish glide through the air and water.

On Day 6, Yahuah created animals and humans. Animals came in all shapes and sizes, while humans had diverse appearances and colors.

Different animals and people of various appearances fill the page.

On Day 7, Yahuah decided to rest. He blessed that day and made it holy.

Show everything God created. The universe and everything.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Yahuah create light?
  • What did Yahuah create on Day 3?
  • What did Yahuah do on Day 7?

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