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The Dragon Who Couldn't Fly

In a land far away, nestled between mighty mountains, was a little dragon named Ember who could not fly.

Introduction of Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes, in a mountainous land

All the other dragons would soar high above the peaks, but Ember stayed on the ground, feeling left out.

Other dragons flying, Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes alone on ground

Ember watched his friends with longing, but his wings were too weak to lift him into the sky.

Weak-winged Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes envies flying friends

Mama Dragon saw his sadness. 'Ember,' she said, 'your strength lies not just in wings, but in your heart.'

Wise dragon, strong, with deep red scales and caring eyes comforts Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes, points to inner strength

To cheer him up, Mama Dragon told stories of dragons who made a difference without flying, heroes of the land.

Wise dragon, strong, with deep red scales and caring eyes tells stories of legendary land dragons

Ember felt inspired and decided to explore the forest, where he met creatures who also lived on the ground.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes meets non-flying forest creatures

A rabbit named Thumper admired Ember's scales. 'You don't need wings to be special,' Thumper said.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes gains confidence from Friendly rabbit, brown fur, quick and lively the rabbit

Ember realized that he could run very fast and play hide-and-seek with the animals, bringing joy to everyone.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes discovers joy playing with others

One day, the animals needed to cross a river, and Ember used his fiery breath to make a warm, dry path.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes helps animals with his fiery breath

Thanks to his unique abilities, Ember became a hero to all the critters, wings or no wings.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes becomes a hero and is recognized by all

Even without flying, Ember was happy, surrounded by friends who loved him for who he was.

Friendship triumphs, Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes's happiness

And so, Ember lived his life full of adventure on the ground, with a heart soaring higher than any wings could take him.

Little dragon, weak wings, green scales, eager yellow eyes's heart soars, ending with a moral

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ember felt when he couldn't fly like the other dragons?
  • What can you do to be a good friend to someone who feels left out?
  • How did Ember's strengths help him make friends and become a hero?

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