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The Elephant Rope (Belief)

Once in a village in Africa, there was an elephant tied to a small tree.

Introduction to the setting, village in Africa, introduction of the Large gray elephant, kind eyes.

The rope that held the elephant was just a thin, weak piece of string.

Description of the rope and the Large gray elephant, kind eyes's situation.

People wondered why the elephant didn't break free, but no one tried to break the rope.

Introduction of people's wonder and lack of action to help the Large gray elephant, kind eyes.

Eventually, a wise man untied the elephant. He explained that the elephant believed it couldn't break free.

Introduction of the Old man with a kind face and warm smile who unveils the belief of the Large gray elephant, kind eyes.

The story teaches us that sometimes we limit ourselves because of our beliefs.

Lesson of the story about limiting beliefs and self-imposed restrictions.

The end. Believe in your abilities!

Closing message of encouragement.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the elephant felt when it was tied to the tree?
  • Why do you think the people in the village didn't help the elephant at first?
  • Do you believe that we sometimes limit ourselves because of our beliefs? Give an example.

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